Enlightenment journey

Welcome to the 18D Lifestyle

18D Lifestyle is a self-knowledge journey that you can choose to live your mission, soul purpose, and synchronicity experience in the daily routine with high virtues and principles in your lifestyle.

Suzanne Mayumi

“Enlightenment is basically a change in the frequency vibration and the level of self-awareness.” ~Suzanne Mayumi

The Journey of the Inner balance

18D Lifestyle



is not something you find,
it’s something you create.” ~ Jana Kingsford



“Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” ~Alan Wilson Watts



“Our purpose is not Oneness but to realize Oneness. Oneness itself is not something to be achieved. We are One as spirit already. What we are working on is to remember and accept this Oneness.”~ Akemi G

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Are you on the path of Ascension? Are you willing to prepare yourself, others, and the Earth in ushering in the new higher vibrations of pure Love, Light and Freedom?

If your answer is “yes” to the above questions, these courses are for you.