About Me

Would you like to join in the 18D lifestyle?
Let’s talk to begin the journey of self-knowledge and experience living in Balance, Harmony, and Oneness.

About Me

The Journey of Inner-self

As I began the journey of my inner-self, I first came into contact with Christ Consciousness related to the Great Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. Afterwards, I connected to the Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin through Magnified Healing®, completing my connection to the Trinity of Sacred Feminine.

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Hi There! I'm Suzanne Mayumi, Lifestyle Coach & Mentor

I’m Suzane Mayumi Polkinghorne (Suzanne Mayumi), an Lifestyle Coach & Mentor, Master Teacher, and Practitioner of Magnified Healing® and Light Healing, TFT-Practitioner (Adv and VT-Voice Technology). I attended and developed my coaching skills in Master Coaching, Leadership & Management (CLM 7) with Reach Potential, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, with Japanese family ancestrality, and currently, I am living in Ashbourne, England, United Kingdom.

I worked with Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Mentoring classes to supervise TFT- Practitioners. Also, I lectured classes of TFT in the post-graduation Chinese Medicine Acupuncture – SENAC-Jundiaí (University classes) in São Paulo, Brazil. With an open sensitivity to spirituality since childhood, I have been studying various forms of spiritual gifts for 15 years, also I lectured classes of Mediumship Development to help people opening the spiritual gifts.

I speak fluent English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Japanese and I have been having contact with the different types of cultures to help people therapeutically around the world.

Harmony • Oneness • Balance

18D Lifestyle

18D Lifestyle is a self-knowledge journey that you can choose to live your mission, soul purpose, and synchronicity experience in the daily routine with high virtues and principles in your lifestyle.

Living with the five elements

I am open to the possibility for the Six Dimension of Wellbeing now and always. I allow myself opening for Synchronicity in the flow of the Universe.

We are experiencing in a multidimensional Universe in a dynamic of energy and Synchronicity. In the Universe, everything is an energy field and vibration that we can sense and connect intuitively. By focusing our attention in the desired direction, we can project our energy, influence other energy systems, and enhance our lives’ synchronicity.

Your world is created by what you think, feel, and do. The choices and decisions you make determine the life you have. As a part of co-creation, you belong to the Universe. Oneness is a way to create in your world. When you choose consciously, you can create Love, Happiness, Harmony, Oneness, and Balance.

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Loving, Feeling, Enlightening

I am open to the possibility for the Six Dimension of Wellbeing now and always. I allow loving myself and expand the vibration of love to others.

My purpose is to enhance your personal development holistically and multidimensionally, so you can experience Harmony, Oneness, and Balance in your life. As we awaken the mind and come to understand the high levels of consciousness, we are able to experience and bring this knowledge to our minds.

We also open our hearts to experience this level of perception and living and then make conscious decisions, actions, and behaviours in alignment with it. So, we can live in Harmony and Balance and experience Oneness.

Sometimes, a problem can only be solved by finding the origin of the solution in another dimension. The majority of the time, you fail attempting to treat the symptoms without addressing the cause of the imbalance. This is because, you may find the cause of the problem is in the emotions, in the limiting beliefs and thoughts, or in other dimensions. There are times when this cause cannot be seen in the conscious thoughts; it may be hidden in the subconscious and unconscious minds, making it difficult to find a solution. 

I can help you to balance all areas of your life holistically in the Six Dimensions of the Wellbeing (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and environmental). With the journey of self-knowledge, I aim to co-create new possibilities with you, which are the possibilities  of living in a Balance, Harmony, and Oneness.